Teaching Polish Culture in the Age of Online/Remote Learning: Critical Thinking in Building a Learners' Community


“A community of learners is a group of individuals who collaboratively engage in purposeful critical discourse and reflection to construct meaning and confirm mutual understanding” (Garrison, 2007). How can we use critical thinking as a tool in Teaching Polish Culture and creating a community? The main focus is the planning and preparation necessary for one to design and organise the online programme which is student-centred. At an introductory stage intended learning outcomes need to be stated clearly, in line with the course objectives. The content of the programme requires careful planning and design, bearing in mind the principles of metacognitive scaffolding and the diversity of the learners in the programme. Flexibility in an online learning environment is crucial to support self-directed learners within programmes.


Irena Chawrilska
Assistant Professor, Division of Polish Philology, University of Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Critical Thinking, Remote/Online Teaching, Polish Culture, Community of Learners