Exploration of Care Across Four Disciplines


Through a social pedagogy framework and qualitative, semi-structured interview approach with a certified child and youth care practitioner, a registered early childhood educator, a certified teacher, and a registered nurse from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, this study explores how care is manifested across these disciplines in the twenty-first century: Child and Youth Care, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Education, and Nursing. The purpose is to understand what the similarities and differences in terms of care are, and how to enhance care practices for the future to create a more equitable, inclusive, and diverse society for children, youth, families, communities. More similarities than differences emerged from the findings, and these key themes of care are flexible, relational, individualized, reflective, collaborative. Implications of these findings encourage for both more and continuous professional development, reflectivity, and collaboration among professional communities to provide high quality, individualized care.


Catherine Kuo
Graduate Student, Education, Brock University, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies


Keywords: Care; Dialogue, Equity; Education; Professional Development; Social Innovation; Sustainability