Redefining Literature: Blogs and the Digitalized Self in Contemporary Spanish Literature


➡️ Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 885 6941 9399 Passcode: 386669 ⬅️ The emergence of blogs in the 1990s has revolutionized not only the way people communicate and make content more widely accessible online but it has also proven to be revolutionary in the field of literature. The reason is that the digital format has meant a different way for authors to interact with their readers. These readers have also seen their roles redefined as in addition to readers they acts a viewers and listeners as well in many cases due to the visual and audio content in many blogs. At the same time, readers often influence the authors’ narratives content due to their interaction with authors in blogs, which pose the question about what do we consider literature nowadays and what is its relation to the digital self today. Several narrative examples and theories including “Humanities Scholars and Library-Based Digital Publishing” by Katrina Fenlon, Megan Senseney, Maria Bonn, and Janet Swatscheno are used in this review to explore these questions.


Cristina Sánchez Conejero
Professor, Spanish, University of North Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literary Humanities


Literature, Blogs, Digital Self, Humanities