English Studies Matter! : Applied Critical Thinking in the Humanities


This innovative project seeks to provide an example of practical application of the development of critical thinking skills in the Humanities and specifically, in the Degree of English Studies. It is framed in SIIM research group-Studies on Intermediality and Intercultural Mediation of Complutense University of Madrid and it aims at responding to the current emphasis in EHEA-European Higher Education Area on competences for lifelong learning able to guarantee employability, social inclusion, and citizens’ participation in a globalized and changing world, a world suffering from systematic inequalities and social divisions. Many of these social and ethnic confrontations (for example, the systematic racism in the United States against the African-American population which has generated the global movement Black Lives Matter) have their origin in historical and literary periods that are covered in the curricular contents of the subjects in which this project is implemented. Thus, by bringing awareness into the functionality and relevance the subject curricula has in order to understand the historical and literary roots of many social problems, this project aims to enable students acquire critical thinking skills to contribute to these social debates by providing an objective and contrasted discussion on the origin of these social divisions. Moreover, by putting their academic knowledge at the service of an informed societal conversation, through their own learning outcomes (verified infographics, podcasts and academic papers), students become active agents of social transformation, contributing in the fight against the disinformation, manipulation, and ignorance that so deeply harms us nowadays as a global community.


Xiana Sotelo
Professor, English Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Marta Silvera Roig
Researcher, English Studies, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Critical Thinking, Soft Skills, and Technology


Critical Thinking, Humanities, English Studies, Social Divisions, Historical- Literary Roots