Corpus-involved Education and Learning in European Universities


Corpus-involved education and learning attempts to optimize the learning process of students, the creation of a stimulating and active learning environment. A central tendency in these innovations is to base corpus more on the educational needs of students in European universities. A logical step in placing students at the center of their education is involving them in the quality control, organization, and development of curricula based on corpus learning. Opportunities for student participation in curriculum planning and organization are given, including advantages and possible disadvantages of corpus involvement. Implications for European universities wishing to incorporate students in their corpus organization are discussed to improve students’ input. Present developments in European universities increasingly focus on the central role of students in education and learning. A possible additional step is to give students responsibilities not just in the learning process but also in curriculum education and management of universities. Students in higher education, after all, are adults. Corpus-involved system in quality control proves students to be distinctly capable of assuming shared responsibilities in management and organization of education and learning. The most important action students must take is to organize them in learning process. Combining corpus is a certain means of upgrading the quality of student input. Second, students must be prepared to participate in the evaluations provided by the teaching staff. They must also make themselves available for education and training in universities. Finally, students should take every opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas by means of corpus-involved system.


Shuo Zhao
Researcher, School of International Studies, Communication University of China, Beijing, China


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Corpus; Education; Learning; European Universities