Between an Archaeologist and a Poet: Sukyung Huh's Poetic Archaeology


Huh Sukyung, a late poet of South Korea, walked a very unique poetic journey during her life. She was an acting archaeologist, living in Munster, Germany and also an active poet, publishing collections of poems in Korean. Standing on the borderline of race and discipline, she pioneered a new territory of poetic archaeology in the history of South Korean poetry. This paper looks into her inclusive consciousness, crossing East Asia, Western Europe, Muslim Arab, and illuminate her poetic archaeology, represented in the collection of poems, The Copper Age, and the Potato Age.


Jihee Han
Professor, English, Gyeongsang National University, Gyeongsangnamdo [Kyongsangnam-do], South Korea


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Literary Humanities


Huh Sukyung, Poetic archaeology, Inclusive consciousness