The Forest Flaneur in the New Environmental Aesthetics : Shifting the Creative Process in 2020 Eco-phenomenology


New environmental aesthetics were unveiled in 2020 as the world paused, noticing Nature walking without us. If we are to survive in the abnormal (new normal) era that is upon us, we need to shift our creative process to re-engage differently. Our inner world is kidnapped by an alienation that has presented itself without notice. Where do we draw the line in the novel sandbox for the depth of humanity’s relationship with the Other (Nature, Co-habitants, Ourselves)? Can we mend the phoenix wings scorched in the fire of massive degradation and neglect? Humanity is on “call” to step up and re-engage with Nature, rather than passive film watching on mono-tactile screens. Eco-phenomenology as envisioned today (Magrini, 2019; Nakagawa & Payne, 2019; Smith T.S.J., 2019) takes us on walks out-side, side by side, and inside the footprints of the Other. Tactile memories move the paradigm to a heart-brain connection with forefinger pulsations registering emotive responses stored in memory centres. Creative process extends the short term to long term memory with a flaneur transfer from environment to studio (Ruiz Scarfuto, 2018).


Rosalinda Ruiz Scarfuto
Researcher, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, Walking, Art, Landskip and Knowledge (WALK), Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Civic, Political, and Community Studies


Literature, Environmental aesthetics, Eco phenomenology, Humanties, Poetics, Tactile memory, Sustainability