Garden for Medicinal, Aromatic and Nutritional Plants in the Negev


As a result of the interrelationship between human beings and the environment, human impacts on the environment and the environment impacts on humanity. This joint close interconnection operates through resources received from the environment such as mineral deposits, raw materials, energy sources, ecological resources such as the air we breathe and the water we drink. The environment guarantees our physical existence but also serves as a source of tranquility, wonderment, and inspiration that nourish our needs. Correspondently, human beings impact the environment discharging into the atmosphere, the water, and the soil various byproducts of our existence that come back to poison us. In light of the great importance of the environment on the nature of our lives as human beings, it is imperative to engender in pupils’ curiosity and a deep concern for matters that define the uniqueness of nature, the environment, and the impact of our society on them. The primary objective of this paper is to describe establishing an ecological center for medicinal, aromatic, and nutritional plants to: 1. Teach children and adults about their natural environment. 2. To serve as a learning center for the preservation of the Arab-Bedouin community’s heritage. 3.To investigate as well as to promote the use of plants to improve human life. 4. To champion and encourage indigenous communities to earn their livelihoods from the ecological environment in harmony with nature, supporting the development of partnerships that promote both community resilience and sustainability of biodiversity


Aref Rabia Abu
Researcher, Anthropology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Valencia, Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Garden, Plants, Medicine, Heritage