Is Classroom a Sanctuary? : Reflections on Pedagogy, Experience, and Turmoil


This paper emerges out of engaging with South Asian material, especially Indian literature, in classrooms across different cities and institutional contexts. As texts speak with, and contest the “outside” world, riven by unequal structures of caste, it is easy to ignore how the outside is also in the inside. The “field,” a favourite place for an anthropologist is imagined outside the classroom. This gives the class a safety net, especially in times of authoritarian regimes. However, its is time to ask how might we create safe but not abstracted and sanitized contexts, and how might we think differently of the outside and inside–the field and class. The questions of pedagogy are as much about practice as robust sites of theories about the self and community. This paper hopes to make experience its chief concern and ask these questions.


Rita Kothari


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Past and Present in the Humanistic Education


Experience, Pedagogy, India, Theory, Epistemology