Focused Discussions

(Asynchronous Session - Online)

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New Frontier in Higher Education: Teaching During a Pandemic View Digital Media

Focused Discussion
Monica Yndo,  Clarissa Rosas,  Corinne Weisegerber  

As new pedagogical research on active learning, long-term retention, and professor-student interactions grow, professors are encouraged to incorporate strategies to improve their course delivery. However, as a result of COVID-19, the job of educators has changed drastically. Professors and students alike have had to adapt to a new platform for teaching and learning. For many professors, teaching online is a new endeavor. The Hy-flex Model, (which includes teaching to a online and in person classroom), has gained popularity since the pandemic. This discussion is hosted by three university professors from the US sharing their experience with the Hy-flex Model. The aim is to discuss with colleagues the differing strategies used by used at their respective universities, how professors are navigating the challenges of moving their course content to a online setting, and how we determine the success of this new teaching format. This session will also serve as a place to generate ideas, raise questions, and share classroom successes.

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