Into the Field: Empathy at the Center of Teaching in Design


This article delves into the difficulties encountered in the realm of education, particularly emphasizing the teaching of design and the importance of thinking with a specific emphasis, regarding the transmission and acquisition of skills by students in design curricular units relating to soft skills, such as empathy, and the ability to work as part of a team, observation skills in the field and critical analysis of contexts. More specifically, by explaining the case study of a design project, under the theme “Designing Our Cities”, focused on the urban context of the city of Lisbon, a reflection is made on how design practice, with a teaching approach and the transmission and acquisition of knowledge, consolidated outside the classroom, can contribute to a better —and more comprehensive— training, providing students with more operative tools in design, and consequently more effectiveness in the long term. In this way, we intend not only to understand but also to analyze how the transmission of knowledge in the field of design, with a practical application through project development in a real context, can not only provide students with more tools but also create new opportunities for the development of urban spaces and consequently open space for innovation in the communication and identity of places. The paper presents initiative projects on the essence of a community, as well as connecting with, and understanding, the individuals who constitute each neighborhood.


Cátia Rijo
Assistant Professor, Art and Desing, Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Cultures of Transformative Design


Empathy, Teaching, Design, Designing Cities, Lisbon