Teaching the Basis of Architectural Knowledge in the Early Period of Architectural Education: An Assessment of SOrg106


This study discusses the position and methodology of the SOrg 106 course designed to provide students with the basic principles of architectural knowledge through questioning in the early stage of education, with examples from the course process and productions. The scope of SOrg 106 is defined by fundamental topics in all buildings, which guide and even trigger design processes, making the building habitable. The fundamental skills targeted by the course include thinking about the relationship between architecture and users, understanding and experiencing the program/function/scheme processes, analyzing circulation and related spatial patterns, and interpreting building typology and spatial requirements dependent on building typologies. The course includes architectural knowledge, ergonomics, analysis, synthesis, and research, interacting with theoretical, applied, and research applications. In the first part of the course, these topics are explained with theoretical foundations and numerous examples, while in the second part, small designs experience is offered to transform the acquired knowledge into skills. Additionally, students conduct research, allowing them to analyze and evaluate all the topics encountered in the course about a specific building and gain experience in systematically organizing and presenting their work. This study examines the relationship between the fundamental skills the course aims to target and the course outcomes. Evaluation by instructors elucidates the problems and potential of the course structure. This evaluation contributes to analyzing a course in the early stages of architectural education and facilitates the development of future studies and alternative strategies.


Guliz Ozorhon
Associate Professor, Architecture, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey

Burçin Mızrak Bilen
Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey

Orhan Hacihasanoglu
Student, Professor (PhD), Ozyegin University, Department of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey

Gizem Efendioğlu
Research Assistant, Architecture, Özyeğin University, Turkey

Gülbin Lekesiz
Research Assistant, Architecture, Özyeğin University, Turkey

Hande Tunç
Research Assistant, Architecture and Design, Özyeğin University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Architectural Education, First Year Design Education, Fundamental Skills, Architectural Knowledge