Development and Validation of Ludic Psychological Instruments for Therapeutic Assistance


In recent years, numerous interventions have been created to assist psychology professionals in therapeutic work. Some of these interventions can take the form of dynamics or games, bringing the ludic to therapy. They present themselves in fun, creative and light dialogue forms between the therapists and their patients. The creation of these interventions for therapeutic assistance is an activity with high constructive potential, but requires care so that they are functional and have therapeutic value. The objective of this project is to develop ludic therapeutic technical instruments to assist in psychological treatments by promoting engagement and psychoeducation. To this end, three studies are being developed, which are a game to strengthen the initial bond in psychotherapy, in addition to developing social skills, behavioral repertoire, psychoeducation, working on coping techniques and identifying emotions to initially work with children and adolescents; a game to develop narratives through the creation of a unique story developed during the intervention to also initially work with children and adolescents; and a card game to work with adult users of psychoactive substances to psychoeducate about disorders induced by substance use, share their experiences in a group and adopt more positive behaviors aiming at a behavioral change that facilitates abstinence. The development of these products has been carefully thought out and brings together a playful activity correctly targeted with clear rules and a functional objective together with a fundamental theoretical basis that allows the functionality of the activity and brings with it an intrinsic therapeutic value.


Dan Roger Pozza
Student, Doctorate, Doctoral School, Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, Spain

Irani Iracema di Lima Argimon

Carmen Moret-Tatay
Professor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Psychoterapy; Positive Psychology; Serious Games, Gamification