Strategic Design and Transformation towards Sustainability: Analysis of Strategic Design Methodologies with a Focus on Sustainability, for the Development of a Model Adapted to the Reality of Organizations and Communities


In the current context of ecological and social crisis, work is being carried out under the brand of Monnou, which applies strategic design focusing on transformation towards sustainability with organizations and communities. The various organizations include, among others, technological institutes, public entities, associations, companies and enterprises. The communities include people involved in some way in the learning and implementation of sustainability, including university students, people with entrepreneurial ideas, or design professionals. In response to this context, a variety of strategic design models and methodologies have emerged and continue to emerge (Abratt, R. & Kleyn, N. 2023; Andersen et al. 2023; Lutz, 2022; Baldasarre et al., 2020; Calabretta et al., 2016; Fabrizio, 2014). On the other hand, during Monnou’s work, a methodology of its own is being developed and implemented. However, despite the emergence of new models and methodologies focused on sustainability, and the practical work described, some barriers to real transformation towards sustainability are identified (Godelnik, 2021). The central issue of this research is the analysis of existing models and methodologies, including the emerging Monnou methodology, developing a synthesis of their strengths and limitations. This research serves to develop a first model that leverages these strengths and overcomes the limitations. Designers, consultants, design educators, as well as people in leadership and management positions in organizations, will have knowledge and tools available to make their work a transformational activity towards sustainability.


Pedro Sáez Martínez
Student, Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Producto (UPV), Máster en Economía Circular y Desarrollo Sostenible (VIU), Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Jimena González Del Río
Lecturer, Graphic Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Begoña Sáiz
Conference President and Director of the Design Degree, Graphics Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Social innovation; Strategic design; Branding; Sustainability; Methodology