Identification of Different Types of Motion Graphics That Can Support English Classroom Education: Effective Design of Motion Graphics For Chinese Primary School English Teaching


Motion graphics as part of the course material can encourage learning vocabulary by fostering both an entertaining and informative educational environment in Chinese primary schools. However, there is a gap between course material production and motion graphics design research, which is targeted at Chinese primary school students learning English vocabulary in the classroom. There is limited information on how to design effective motion graphics to support teaching and learning. This ongoing PhD research proposes a set of design guidelines for motion graphics based on the theories of motion graphics application in education and the practical study of complex classroom education. In the first sub-question, there is a difference in the understanding of motion graphics between designers and teachers. Therefore, for designing effective motion graphics for this particular scenario, designers need to know what types of motion graphics are available to meet the needs of use, to make a contribution in this particular classroom environment, and to find out where they can be empowered. This poster presents a three-aspect combined discussion by the author on this sub-question, which includes the aspect of academic terminology, user awareness, and analyses of actual course materials. From this combined discussion, a preliminary summary is drawn on the types of motion graphics that are effective in current classroom education.


Zijun Li
Student, PhD student, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancashire, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Visual Design