Designing in the Digitally Mature Museum: Refocusing Design from Technology to Human Practice


How museums see digital has changed and, as a result, museum design practices have changed. Digital transformation asks museum to deal with more complex, entangled problems acknowledging digital, physical, organisational dimensions as well as the strategic objectives. Human-centred design (design thinking) is a powerful practice to respond effectively to changing realities. It is not just the fashion for organisations but it has become a crucial way of thinking and a skill within the organizational working culture of museums nowadays. This paper considers the role of human-centred design practice and mindsets WITHIN museums to foster innovative practices for digital transformation. We share theoretical insight and best-practices emerged from two, mutually informed projects. A book for a Routledge titled “Museum and Design Practices: A New Critical Conversation” (part of the book series “Critical Digital”, edited by Professors Vince Dziekan and Ross Parry) and major AHRC-funded project (£250k) title “Designing in the Digitally Mature Museum: Refocusing Design From Technology To Human Practice.” Drawing from real-world museum practice (15 case studies in the UK), my research aims to advance our understanding of human-centred design practices, mindsets, and organisational design culture within museums that are moving toward a digitally mature condition. Human- Centered Design promotes a creative and explorative culture and collaborative working practices. This is changing internal working practices and design activity, where knowledge is created and shared in new ways amongst designers and non-designers, in which new tools are introduced, and workplaces re-configured.


Marco Mason
Associate Professor, School of Design, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Design thinking; Organisational digital transformation; Museum Digital transformation; AI