Shifting Formats: Representation of Light in Spatial Design


This paper proposes an exploration of formats in spatial design contexts for expressing and representing light. Lighting design demands careful reflection of architectural tectonics, materiality, texture and loci of each architectural composition in relation to the consequential perception of the lit space. The study provides insights into design studio pedagogy to support the advancement of representational tools for engaging with light and communicating lighting effects in architectural settings. Through this lens, the research focuses on the learning methods and outcomes of groups of design student participants. Emerging dialogues and visualisations challenged the representation and communication of lit atmosphere through critical investigation of; the rationale for dimensional shifts between formats in architectural visual expression (2D – 3D – 2D), translation of meaning between formats and boundaries of perception and imagination defined by the selected format. Students explored both digital and hand tools to express light, journeying from hand-drawn charcoal renders to AI prompts, moving between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional representations. As a visual narrative, this study aims to support designers and educators in reimagining design outcomes by examining the dimensional shift between each format and tool. Through shifting formats, the participants had to re-evaluate their ideas and renew their position of passive observer to immersed occupant as they worked between modes. This study highlights that the exploration of format in expression and communication of ideas has value to the designer, by inviting critical thinking and provoking design thinking out of familiar territories and beyond our assumed boundaries.


Gillian Treacy
Lecturer, Interior Design, ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh., The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, City of, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Design Education, Spatial Design, Drawing, Design Tools, Pedagogy, Format, Lighting