Design as a Messenger: A New Way to Design through Food Waste


In response to the growing awareness and responsibility of the environmental impacts we generate and the consequent interest in the development of sustainable materials, the figure of the designer takes up the challenge and undertakes new design approaches. In particular, waste, mainly food waste, is transformed into resources through sharing practices and new designs. This attitude transforms the method by which designers conceive and implement their designs, introducing an ecological and ethical perspective to design. What kind of awareness can design create? The paper presents the results of a thesis developed in Ecology Futures in the Netherlands, which then became the basis for doctoral research on the application of design methods in the education and awareness phase of future designers. The project, “Design as a messenger,” investigates and understands the development of new sustainable materials produced from waste, and seeks to convey impacts through installations and interactions with people within outreach events. The goal of the master’s thesis is to empower a broad audience to self-produce possible reuses and recycling of waste materials and thus gain productive access to knowledge that becomes open and shared. Design as a messenger is a materials cataloging project with the writing of a cookbook that allows for a full understanding of the potential of materials and what they originate from, dividing them into macro-categories: waste material, processing, material output, and cataloging by types.


Stella Femke Rigo
Student, PhD, University of Genoa Unige, Genova, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education