Presentation of Design Strategies in the Form of Visual Communication


In today’s dynamic and visually-driven world, effective design strategies are essential for conveying ideas, solutions, and concepts. From the perspective of design strategies, incorporating visual communication design is a tactical decision that significantly enhances the effectiveness of presentations. It serves not just as an aesthetic choice, but as a strategic tool for clear and impactful communication. In developing a design strategy, the use of visual elements is a deliberate approach to transform complex data into easily digestible and visually engaging formats. This strategic use of visuals is crucial in ensuring that the strategy is accessible and comprehensible to a varied audience. The paper considers the use of visual communication design for innovative product development. It explores the role of visual communication in translating complex design strategies into compelling and accessible formats. From infographics to interactive presentations, the paper focuses on the diverse tools and techniques available to designers to articulate their vision in strategic thinking and research into the political, economic, social and technological contexts of new products, services or systems. The methodology involves analyzing different aspects of communication design, focusing exclusively on the final stages of strategic decision-making. It consists of reviewing student outcomes related to tasks such as planning, creative thinking, research, product and design concept development, presentation skills, and business proposal composition. This analysis presents the evaluation of coursework, assignments, and project submissions to assess the effectiveness of design strategies in these final phases. The results discuss how visual communication design influences strategic decision-making.


Onur Mengi
Associate Professor, Vice Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Deptartment of Industrial Design, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Visual Design


Design Strategies, Service Design, System Thinking, Visual Communication, Branding