Material Design in English for Design Education Using Ren'py Visual Novel Engine: NDL 1.0 - an Interactive Comic for Design Terminology


The proliferation of educational materials and resources in design education has witnessed a notable surge, owing to the evolving paradigm of education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the advancement of new technologies. However, there is a valid argument to be made regarding the relative lack of progress in the field of design when it comes to the development of professional English. While the field of design has grown and become increasingly complicated over the past few years, little has changed in terms of how English for design is taught in countries where the English is a foreign or second language. This study addresses the aforementioned shortcoming and makes a valuable contribution to the existing literature in the domain. Our objective is to present a comics, and its open-source interactive comic adaptation that has been developed using the Ren’py visual novel engine. Aiming at facilitating the acquisition of professional terminology by aligning it with the fundamental principles of interaction design and visual communication, the instructional materials have been developed to enhance the learning experiences and professional language skills of communication design students.


Meral Şentürk
Graduate Student, Interactive Media Design, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey

Semin Kazazoğlu
Yıldız Technical University

Umut Tasa
Yıldız Technical University


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Education


English for Design, Design Terminology, Design Education, Interactive Comics, Ren'py