From Stigma to Solution: Plastic as an Ecodesign Ally


In a scenario where plastic is often stigmatized as a particularly environmentally unfriendly material, a noticeable shift towards substituting it with paper, composites or other materials is emerging. However, these shifts frequently transpire without thorough evaluation, leading to the creation of new products that, rather than benefiting the environment, might compromise it. This paper underscores the critical necessity for in-depth analysis, emphasizing the pivotal role of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) in making environmentally conscious decisions. Moreover, we highlight the urgent need to educate the next generation of designers, empowering them to make genuinely sustainable choices. The focus is on the significance of robust data that substantiates decisions, transcending public perceptions and steering clear of “greenwashing” practices. Lastly, we explore ecodesign principles that encourage careful use of plastic, making the most of its various benefits while reducing its impact on the environment. This comprehensive approach aims to lead the industry toward practices that are both more sustainable and informed.


Ana Barroso
Student, Post-Graduation, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Ecodesign, Plastic, Life Cycle Assessment, Education, Stigma