Crafting the Intangible: Formal Considerations for Virtual Environments


Successful design is a thoughtful balance between form and function. The aesthetic and contextual models of analysis for graphic design rest primarily in the traditional canons associated with print-based artifacts. The rise of digital modalities and the shift to virtual environments redefine our approach to form, challenging these traditional perspectives. Graphic design now extends beyond static images to include responsive and interactive elements. With use in mind, designers focus not only on aesthetics but also on experiential interaction. Craftsmanship in graphic design now extends to creating intuitive user environments that typically function across various devices and platforms. This requires a different set of skills and considerations. This is where the experience of use (UX) dovetails with well-designed interactivity. What I will call the “Aesthetics of Use.” Consequently, graphic designers find themselves more removed from the traditional tactile experience of constructing form and challenged with new abstract and conceptual structures of the virtual environment. Add to this the proliferation of templates and pre-made design elements and of course the advent of AI making the design process more approachable thus diminishing the need for skilled designers. The challenge arises in redefining the concept of craft in the context of emerging virtual uses and form experiences. How do we assess the aesthetic efficacy of these experiences, and, as design educators, how can we guide students to explore the essential components of thoughtful experiential design alongside the development of their formal skills?


Mark Fetkewicz
Professor of Graphic Design, School of Art and Design / College of Performing and Visual Arts, University of Northern Colorado, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education