The Poster as a Mechanism for Creative Integrity: Conversations with Contemporary Poster Design Masters


Through in-depth semi-structured interviews with three contemporary Poster Design Masters, this ongoing study explores the critical societal stimuli influencing their design practice alongside motivations behind their socially driven, culturally relevant, and often unmonetised poster design. The research involves not only a textual analysis via the interviews but also a supporting visual analysis, and by curating a selection of posters from each designer, this study aims to uncover emerging trends, shared influences and the unique qualities and inspiration behind their work. Early observations reveal commonalities in altruism, advocacy, and intangible cultural heritage and offer insights into the challenges faced by Posterists in navigating the tension between personal expression and societal relevance within non-commercial design spaces. The anticipated outcomes extend beyond the initial findings, encompassing a designed, print-based volume documenting the creative processes and critical insights behind the posters, a virtual poster exhibition and photographic documentation of the resulting publication. These outcomes contribute to the graphic design community’s understanding of the integrous creative process within poster design, transcending the boundaries of consumerism and commercial advertising.


Lisa Winstanley
Assistant Professor, School of Art Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Poster design, Creative process, Creative integrity, Design discourse, Design advocacy