Fluidity in Education - a Visionary Approach to Interdisciplinary Learning: Visualizing Congenital Heart Disease through the Lens of Transformative Design Education


This paper intricately explores the intersection of interdisciplinary education, liminality, and the transformative process, employing the poignant case study “Visualizing Congenital Heart Disease” as a central lens. Focused on mitigating anxiety during the critical transition from pediatric to adult care, the study orchestrates a collaboration between design students, cardiologists, and patients facilitating life-saving knowledge transfer. Within this dynamic framework, the roles of students, healthcare professionals, and patients undergo a profound evolution, casting a spotlight on the collaborative creation of knowledge. Embracing the concept of transdisciplinarity, the study goes beyond traditional educational boundaries, advocating for a visionary future marked by work-integrated learning. This vision is anchored in the deliberate harnessing of interdisciplinary collaboration and the inherent dynamism of the third space. As this research unfolds, it envisions a revolutionary shift in educational paradigms—a future where knowledge and practices are not merely transmitted but co-created, fostering innovation and transformative approaches. By championing interdisciplinary cooperation and embracing the fluid nature of the third space, this study anticipates a transformative landscape where education becomes a catalyst for co-created knowledge and practices that transcend traditional boundaries.


Jennifer Duby
Assistant Professor, Department of Design, MacEwan University, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Cultures of Transformative Design


Interdisciplinary Education, Liminality, Pediatric Cardiology, Immersive Learning, Transdisciplinarity