Creating Opportunities for ‘6S’: Using a Thinkathon to Engage in Future Strategy Creation at the Quadruple Helix Through Design Thinking


Delivering impactful stakeholder event experiences which can positively engage industry, policy, societal and consumer perspectives (quadruple helix actors) for future strategy development can often challenge research teams. Finding novel ways to increase engagement, understanding and buy-in of stakeholders is imperative. Through a novel co-creation and guided by design thinking theory a ‘Thinkathon’ was executed to seek insights and future strategy through idea generation by engagement consisting of eliciting ‘what, why and how’ information to support specific stakeholders through a specific research context. To aid communication, a ‘6S community’ was developed, consisting of Students, Specialists, representatives of Start-ups, Social Enterprises, Sustainability focused and Social good projects (6S’s). Using empathy building, across 6 stations and 2 sessions, students and stakeholders generated 151 specific detailed ideas relating areas they felt could support the 6 specific stakeholder groups through the research project. The experience generated structured engagement and focused stakeholders toward developing future strategy as well as offering opportunities for networking and connection. Critically, the data highlights opportunities for guiding engagement whilst also underpinning core objectives of a Thinkathon. Future research could focus on engaging a #6SCommunity in developing future strategy in other contexts integrating Thinkathons at the quadruple helix nexus of innovation.


John Bustard
Senior Lecturer Digital Transformation, Business School, Ulster University, United Kingdom

Rachael Withers
Senior Lecturer/ Programme Manager, MLM, Ulster University, Antrim, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education