Environmental Graphic Design for Social Change: A Visual Revolution


Environmental Graphic Design (EGD) is a multidisciplinary field that breaks traditional design boundaries by using persuasive visual language integrated into architectural structures and built environments to elicit a response, inspire feelings and convey compelling messages. Through the deployment of captivating visuals and immersive installations, EGD elevates mundane spaces into potent platforms for advocacy, knowledge and community engagement. This study investigates the profound societal impact of EGD and its pivotal role in communicating ideas, raising awareness to diverse audiences, challenging conventional social norms and driving social change on pressing contemporary issues. Using real-world applications and case studies it highlights the transformative influence of EGD as an indispensable ally to kindle inspiration and evoke social reform.


Rozina Vavetsi
Associate Professor, Digital Art and Design, New York Institute of Technology, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Environmental Graphic Design, EGD, Experiential Design, Visual Communications, Immersive Design