Dalma Isle Unveiled: Revealing Architecture through Visual Deconstruction


The design and research project delves into the heritage of the United Arab Emirates, specifically focusing on the architecture of Dalma Island situated on the western coast. Inhabited for over 7,000 years, Dalma Island holds a significant place in history as one of the Arabian Gulf’s foremost pearl-diving centers. The island boasts a collection of some of the oldest buildings in the UAE, spanning the modern heritage period, characterized by their resplendent beauty and intricate details in textures, front doors, door aisles, window designs, and overall architectural structures. The primary objective of this proposed project is to immortalize and document a selection of architecturally distinguished examples from the local neighborhoods on Dalma Island through the medium of digital photography. Subsequently, the plan is to employ visual deconstruction and collage techniques to craft design and art pieces that explore the visual elements of these architectural systems. The project’s foundation draws inspiration from the theoretical concept of visually deconstructing structural systems. As a mode of representation, the deconstruction method scrutinizes the arrangement and composition of distinct elements within a system, thereby creating diverse classification structures that highlight various functions through the resultant imagery engendered in my creative endeavor. The creative segment of the project, is created utilizing digital media, aided by visual manipulation software in conjunction with applied art techniques. The photographs sourced from Dalma Island undergo digital deconstruction during the post-production phase, subsequently finding their place on canvas through the utilization of collage techniques.


Ilze Eklsa (Loza)
Assistant Professor, College of Arts, Zayed University, Abū Z̧aby [Abu Dhabi], United Arab Emirates


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Heritage, Visual Deconstruction, Dalma Island Architecture