Transdisciplinary Research, Collaborative Innovation and AI Tools: New Challenges for Design?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a high buzzword across many industries. For some, AI could be the solution to world problems. For others, it is a terrifying technology that could destroy society by making many professions and skills obsolete. Worldwide, ongoing conversations exist between designers, innovators, futurists, educators, and developers about the impact of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Digital Technologies such as VR, AR, and MR. Questions about how AI will transform design realms arise frequently. However, AI potential and challenges are still to explore. For the more optimistic, AI holds much potential for the design world, seen as a powerful, innovative tool, leading to an ‘augmented intelligence’ that will allow the optimization and speed of design activities. Furthermore, new design spaces and business opportunities will occur, building on innovative relationships between customers, products, and services and relying on new interactions, creative practices, and strategies. The KBAI project presented in this paper will support this reflection and contribute to this line of inquiry. As a collaborative applied research project carried out in a transdisciplinary mode, it had as its main goals and challenges the development of an innovative co-creation dynamic, the establishment of a common language and base of understanding and a management tool for business supported by AI potential. The KBAI I&Di process and outputs, prototyped and tested by three different groups of users, brought new light to these issues and new digital products that become smarter and have higher levels of knowledge management, functionality, and empathy.


Ana Margarida Ferreira
Assistant Professor with Habilitation in Design, Arts - Design, LabCom and Universidade da Beira Interior, Castelo Branco, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Cultures of Transformative Design


Transdisciplinary Research, Collaborative Learning, AI Smart Tools, Co-Design, Product Innovation