Expectations towards Lecturing Designers: Aspiring the Forthcoming Class Theme


Future problems will be distinct, combining multiple areas of knowledge and requiring innovative stimulus, “always/never” dilemmas will rise, but also opportunities to design better solutions, using creativity, critical thinking, and intuitive problem-solving involving learning, dialogue, and collaboration towards flexible solutions. (Springer, 2022). Design is a human-centred solution-driven, problem-solving activity, devising tangible solutions to address specific problems. It outlines issues, researching related subjects, gaining specific expertise, towards creating a viable solution. Current design practice has evolved into a comprehensive interdisciplinary planning assignment, overcoming form and function, to develop economically viable sustainable human-centred solution. The purpose of any education is to stimulate perceptions, facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and develop specific proficiencies, and ultimately succeed. Teaching design in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) requires a broad skillset that includes pedagogy, design principles, understanding of individual and group cognition, sociocultural and socioeconomic affairs, problem-solving aptitudes, state of the art technology, processes and methods, innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuous doctrine adjustments. The tutors’ role is to empower students to acquire design skills, developing applied practice, discourse, and ethics regarding a career to create meaning in a global environment. The question that arises from this research is in what manner can design tutors proficiently coach and further inspire design students to adapt and overcome future issues that are not yet identified.


Leonardo Springer
Course Coordinator, School of Arts and Creative Industries, ISEC Lisboa, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Design, Pedagogy, Creativity, Resilience, Mindset, Adaptability, Methodology