Democratic Futures: A Collaborative, Co-designed, Interdisciplinary Educational Project for Speculating the Future of Voting


Democratic Futures is an innovative educational design project which interrogates questions around the future of democracy. Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton and the Parliamentary Archives, of the UK Houses of Parliament challenged design students to develop speculative strategies which investigate the validity, reliability and authenticity of political content and information. Students were initially exposed to archival materials related to the seminal 1872 Ballot Act, which legislated individuals voting in secret for the first time in local or government elections. The project and associated workshops were then conducted to promote articulate ideas, information and debates around voting now, but also the wider implications for voting in the future.


Jodie Silsby
Senior Teaching Fellow, Design, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Ian Jackson
Senior Teaching Fellow, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Interdisciplinary, Design Education, Speculative, Voting Futures, Democracy, Co-Designed, Collaboration, Politics