How First-year Design Students Explore and Share Their Cultural Diversity while Articulating and Using Design Principles to Interpret the Style of a Researched Graphic Designer


The final project in my fundamental design course asks students to research a graphic designer, examine how that designer uses the principles of design, articulate the designer’s style, and use those criteria to create an original poster. To support the university’s diversity and inclusion goals, this project has been expanded to foster an understanding of diverse cultures. Students choose a designer who relates to their heritage, neurodiversity, or gender orientation. In preparation, weekly presentations and discussions focus on famous twentieth- and twenty-first-century designers. Students evaluate not just what they like about the work but how these designers use design principles. Students also learn through various formative assignments how to create projects using raster and vector images with programs and technologies, employing design principles. This summative project includes research cataloged in an annotated bibliography and supported by a 20-slide Pecha Kucha presentation that reviews the work and use of the principles. Students summarize “the style of” the designer. Then each student creates a large format work “in the style of” their designer. The finished work is presented in class with a discussion about how their work relates to the designer’s style and work. In the past, this assignment has included a Filipino designer, an American black female, a Spaniard, a Hungarian, a Pakistani female, a Swiss designer, a Puerto Rican male, a Hispanic female dealing with femicide and body shaming, and a female designer with ADHD. The outcome is a project that helps students use their learning and share cultural perspectives.


Peggy Bloomer
Assistant Professor, Graphic Information Design, Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


DiversityandInclusion, CulturalPerspectives, FirstYearDesignStudents, PrinciplesofDesign, DesignPractice, SummativeAssignments, PechaKuchaPresentation, AnnotatedBibliograpy, OriginalWork