Integration of Social Constructionism in a Design Thinking Toolkit: Advancing Transformative Applied Research


Practice-based research conducted by at universities of applied sciences can take multiple forms and adhere to a variety of research paradigms. Although the official requirements, dedicated effort and competence development in doing applied research changes yearly, many degrees still necessitate some type of research attitude and products. More often than not, it seems that these programs teach and assess as if there is only one reality that students need to grasp, operationalize into a research instrument, report findings as objective as possible and discuss them in the light of earlier reviewed literature. Variations to this research paradigm elsewhere in a degree program may result in confused students and sound preparations for their final research product, for example a bachelor thesis. Applied research can (also) be, however, more creative, transformative and innovative, especially when integrated with design thinking. In our innovation studio, we guide students in design thinking. Whilst doing so, students in various steps develop their research competence. To explain students how, why, when and where they actually work on research skills whilst doing design thinking, we use a social constructionism paradigm. The design thinking toolkit that has been created for and used by students in their project processes explicitly address the research involved and how it differs from more traditional approaches in applied research as performed by university of applied sciences students. Social constructionism therefore allows design practitioners to use the research of others as well as acting as researchers themselves.


Timo Derriks
Researcher, Applied Research Centre, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Zeeland, Netherlands

Daisy De Ruiter
Project employee, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

Charlotte Röhl
HZ Innovation studio – The Garage - Regenerative projects & design thinking , Projects and research, HZ University of applied Sciences, Zeeland, Netherlands


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Design Management and Professional Practice