Prototyping Solutions for Sustainable Outcomes: Platforms for User Testing in Design Education


This is a study of modular prototyping platforms focused on introducing accessibility design and user testing to students that haven’t mastered the technical processes required for the real-world application of these concepts. The goal of these prototyping platforms is to promote a design process that is in continuous dialog with the communities and individuals being designed for. The platforms introduce students to virtual and augmented reality, circuit design, 3D printing, laser cutting, and other fabrication processes allowing students to prototype for more advanced design concepts and engage in user testing long before they would normally be technically able to. This has allowed students to move into more advanced design thinking and research processes alongside the development of their technical skillset without one hindering the other. An example of these platforms being applied is a collaboration between recreational therapy and design students. Through this collaboration design students created functional virtual reality experiences for recreational therapists to use with clients that have restrictions that limit access to outdoor or mobile activities. These prototyping platforms have also been used for physical interface prototypes where students design and develop screen-based interfaces alongside physical ones which are then used to conduct accessibility testing with the environment and users it is designed for. These prototyping platforms have allowed for an engagement with the user throughout the learning process, shifting focus from theory to real-world application with continuous user feedback allowing for more specific and sustainable design solutions.


John Seefeldt
Associate Professor, School of Art and Design / Graphic Design, Western Carolina University, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Design Education


Accessibility, Prototyping, Xr, Fabrication, Research, Sustainable