Empowering Youth and Strengthening Communities Through Community Asset Mapping


This initiative represents a collaborative and iterative endeavor between an Iranian graphic designer and educator and Project YouthBuild (PYB) students and staff in Gainesville, Florida. The project’s primary objective is to foster sustainable communication and collaboration between the local East Gainesville community and PYB participants, who strive to support youth facing educational challenges. By embracing co-design methodologies and involving PYB students at every stage, the project has crafted an interactive game and map, facilitating PYB’s Community Asset Mapping initiative. Aligned with the principles of Asset-Based Community Development, the CONNECT project addresses a fundamental question: how can we effectively uncover latent knowledge within vulnerable communities and visualize it to drive profound social change? Integral to this transformative journey is co-design workshops centered around conversational trust-building, radical mapping techniques, and serious games. These workshops have proven instrumental in unearthing innovative solutions that emphasize horizontal problem-solving. The process thrives on diverse disciplines and the invaluable insights of PYB students. CONNECT empowers PYB students by providing valuable resources and support to establish reciprocal and respectful relationships within the broader community, particularly with elderly residents near the PYB campus in East Gainesville. By fostering meaningful connections between youth and their neighbors, the project aims to cultivate a sense of community ownership and shared responsibility, culminating in sustainable social transformation. The session will openly discuss the project’s outcomes, challenges, and invaluable lessons learned. It also will underscore the transformative power of horizontal problem-solving and stress the essential nature of embracing diverse perspectives within community development endeavors.


Samira Shiridevich
Assistant Professor, Arts and Art History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Cultures of Transformative Design


Diversity, Reciprocity, Co-Design, Horizontal Design, Asset-Based