Cosmological Design Principles Reconsidered: Exploiting Cosmological Traits and Pattern Toward Expression and Resiliency


This paper explores the reintroduction of complexity / pattern systems in the built environment based upon influences found in nature and evidenced in premodern material finishes and cladding. Striving not to merely appropriate, but rather seeking methods for exploring universal genomic, archetypal systems at these scales, the paper analyzes pathways for innovation in new and emerging materials that are synthesized with cosmological traits to reclaim elemental meaning and signification. Precedent studies include expressions in tile, carpentry, plaster, and wall coverings, while future works explore the incorporation of emerging material constructions such as bio-composites, possibly waste related composites.


Keelan Kaiser
Professor, Architecture, California Baptist University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Visual Design


Cosmology, Design, Material, Resiliency, Expression