Singleton Sounds Like…: A Site-specific Community-focused Sound Installation


“Singleton Sounds Like…” is a site-specific interactive multichannel audio installation working across acoustic ecology and soundscape composition. The work includes field recordings gathered in Singleton, NSW, Australia, highlighting daily life, wildlife, and soundmarks (R. Murray Schafer). Recordings are played through audio transducers mounted in existing benches in the installation space, a busy pedestrian alleyway; thus, the work augments the current infrastructure. The work is a platform for the community to participate in the art-making process as the field recordings are largely community-sourced with some contributions from the artistic team. The project is an inquiry into community engagement with public art and is primarily measured by engagement with the online components of the project. Social media and QR codes at the installation site prompt the community to engage with the website, submission portal, and virtual gallery. These online components run in conjunction with the physical installation, and the community is encouraged to upload audio submissions on a rolling basis for inclusion in the project. The project is guided by the following questions: Does the installation enrich the urban environment, and does it improve the community’s experience in the environment? Does the work generate interest in the local sonic landscape that might otherwise go unnoticed? Does the inclusion of community recordings generate more interest in the work, and does that carry over to other public artworks in the area? This work is a component of “Singleton Living Laneways,” supported by Singleton Council, FASTLab, and The University of Newcastle.


Nicole Carroll
Lecturer in Digtial Composition, School of Creative Industries (SOCI), Music, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Jon Drummond
Associate Professor, School of Creative Industries, College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle, Australia, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Acoustic Ecology, Sound Installation, Public Art, Community Engagement