Design-based Research Methodology in Developing and Evaluating a Collaborative Music Production Platform


This paper presents observations of design science research methodology and Boehm’s spiral software process model in a multidisciplinary project to develop and evaluate a collaborative music production platform. The iterative nature of design-based research methodology facilitated the development, evaluation, and validation stages and communicated intermediate results through peer-reviewed publications as the project progressed. The development and evaluation of the software artefacts followed a staged approach adopting a spiral software process model. Initially, the focus of the project was to overcome technical challenges to facilitate a music collaboration platform based on researchers’ experience as a practitioner. Later, after several iterations of requirements gathering, a final evaluation of the platform was undertaken with practitioners to evaluate and validate the platform in real-world settings. Overall, the research project adopted a design science research methodology while incorporating a spiral software process model for the development and evaluation of the software artefacts. Both approaches shared similar traits, such as iterative processes, real-world deployments and assessments and periodic involvement of end-users/research participants. It also provided stable reference points when mapping the spiral model’s iterative sequence of steps with design science research’s nominal sequence of activities. The resulting methodological framework grounded the research project in the tenets of design-based research and software design while including the opportunity for periodic presentation of research findings. This approach yielded peer and industry feedback that guided and strengthened the research outcome. The project demonstrated that cross-disciplinary design research methodologies could provide justifiable rigour and structured pathways for multidisciplinary research projects.


Nathan Scott
Lecturer, School of Creative Industries, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Scott Stickland
Student, PhD (Music), The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Rukshan Athauda
Senior Lecturer, School of Information and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Design-Based Research, Design Science Research Methodology, Spiral Process, Music Production