Water Talk: In Search of Hidden Landscapes of Water


As part of a broader investigation around the implications of living in delta and estuary cities, as spaces transformed by the transitory actions of water, the exhibition and paper is presenting the investigation designed to reveal the original landscape of water, through the construction of a visual narrative, a cartography through time, uncovering new and unexpected relationships between space, community and environments, representing the transformation of Mulubinba into Newcastle (New South Wales, Australia). The time frame spans hundreds of years of history and by looking forward to 2100, focusing on the impacts of river and coastal transformation. The research presented visualizes, describes, and combines hidden, erase and alive places and spaces in the threshold between land and water, in multiple scales along an expanded time frame. The representation of dynamic systems across time is a major methodological and design challenge in order to connect the multiple forces impacting such dynamic ecosystems, which are influenced by various forms of knowledge and disciplinary approaches. The most rigorous and fruitful manner to approach this methodology and create forecasts is mapping, which makes tangible, not only physical attributes, but more importantly, “hidden forces that underlie the workings of a given place”, such as historical and local events, aboriginal and colonial ‘common [name of the] places’, the multiple traces of water, geology, urban imprints, industrial heritage, economic forces driving land reclamation and land speculation, social and spatial patterns.


Irene Perez Lopez
Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture and Built Department, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design