The Oblique Grid System in Thai Traditional Graphic


The general scenes of traditional Thai paintings depict historical events of the Buddha’s life and Buddhist tales derived from the Buddhist image from India and Ceylon. However, the paintings still blend with the local Thai daily life, customs, culture, social tradition and become a unique traditional style. In order to see the uniqueness of Thai traditional graphics deepest from the root, this research study the oblique grid system as an essential foundation structure in Thai traditional paintings. Then investigate and compare the representations of diagonal grid structure in other civilizations around the world. The result shows that the oblique grid system serves its purpose in similar and different ways due to each country’s diverse culture and beliefs. The Thai artisans had accepted the oblique grid system from major civilization countries such as India and China, then developed the graphic style under this grid system until it became a unique national style. It is fascinating to see how well ancient people could transform their intangible value into visual forms. All in all, it can be said that even though the oblique grid system is invisible, it is a vital ingredient to enhance the sense of Thainess in visual arts.


Possanunt Charoenkijkajorn
Student, Ph.D. student, Design Course, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Visual Design


Oblique, Grid System, Thai, Traditional