You Can't Be Serious: Undoing the Myth of the Designer Through Depictions of Fun, Failure, and the Messiness of Process in Design Media


Most contemporary media about the field of design centers on problem solving, and voices of designers are presented in serious, often journalistic ways. The designer-client relationship, when depicted at all, is centered on conflict. Process—when it is shown at all—is heavily curated to be depicted as tidy and straightforward as possible. These depictions lead to misunderstandings about the function of design, the role of designers, and even the fundamentals of practice for students entering the field, clients, and the public at large. This session explores a different, more expansive approach to depicting graphic design practice in media as the fun, weird, failure-filled creative mess it actually is to the public as learned through a decade of design teaching practice. New media platforms like live streaming and new approaches to established media like podcasting are discussed.


Sean Schumacher
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, School of Art + Design, Portland State University, Oregon, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Design in Society


Process, Design Media, Society, Podcasting, Live Streaming, Depictions of Design