The Role of the Adaptive Reuse of Listed Settlements as a Strategy for Sustainable Housing (Re)development


This paper furthers the discussion of the role of contemporary migration and immigration patterns in the segmented city and its potential for urban revitalization and regeneration. The two main prongs of investigation consider the effect of the existing and proposed changes in the physical infrastructure, as well as the catalytic effect of this recent wave of human capital. Through this process, the work indicates the potential for providing housing while jumpstarting cultural revitalization through the conservation, restoration, adaptive reuse and infill of its physical fabric. It looks at opportunities to create mixed-use venues of housing and employment that will expedite the accommodation and integration of the migrant and immigrant communities that are settling there and their catalytic potential to convert the underutilized historic core to a culturally and socioeconomically diverse environment.


Andreas Savvides
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Cyprus


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Immigration, Sustainable Housing, Redevelopment, Adaptive Reuse