The Glue of Care: Beyond Empathy in Design and Design Thinking


Empathy, which gives its name to the first stage in the now-ubiquitous Ideo model of “Design Thinking”, has been described as an essential element in contemporary design and one of the most powerful tools designers can offer. In this paper, we question empathy’s privileged position and exaggerated claims and suggest that the concept of care may offer a humbler and more liberating way for designers to frame their relationship with – and responsibilities to – those for whom and with whom they design. Understanding design as a caring practice may also have significant implications for design for sustainability, the revaluation of craft and even design futuring.


Sally Cloke
Design Research, PDR, Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Mark Roxburgh
University of Newcastle

Benjamin Matthews
Lecturer, School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Design Thinking, Empathy, Care, Human-Centred Design, Futuring, Sustainability