Developing a Grading Tool for Sustainable Design of Structural Systems in Buildings


This research aims to create a set of guidelines to help designers and other construction stakeholders to apply Design for Deconstruction and Adaptability (DfD/A) principles into the design of structural systems. The building sector contributes significantly to GHG emissions, raw-material consumption and waste production and there is an urgent need for a shift towards sustainable development. A tool that facilitates and create incentives for DfD/A could remove thresholds that prevent designers and manufacturers from seeking new solutions. An EcoDesign tool was developed, consisting of an DfD/A indicator system to enhance material efficiency and stimulate circular economy. The general methodology for this research was adapted from the Design Research Methodology with special focus on Product Development. A top-down approach was used for concept generation, which starts with the ReBuilding Index, based on five categories, 20 principles and 54 strategies. The tool was tested by potential users with different roles in the construction sector, to grade and improve the design of five different structural systems typologies. The quality of the tool was evaluated based on usability, utility, and user experience indicators. It was found that developing the tool on DfD/A principles and the ISO 20887 gave a solid theoretical background and a flexible structure that can be used for sustainable design or as part of an extensive framework. The tool accomplishes the goal of grading and helps to improve structural design. Stakeholders found the tool both valuable and easy to use. The evaluation also shows opportunities for potential improvements in future versions.


Andres Zabala
Student, Master's Programme in Sustainability Engineering and Management, Linköping University, Östergötlands län, Sweden

Ylva Sandin
Senior researcher, Wood Building Technology, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Västra Götalands län, Sweden


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design


Design for Deconstruction and Adaptability, Material Efficiency, Structural Design, Sustainability