Understandings of Professional Design Expertise: A Reflective Practice Account on the Lived Experiences of Communication Designers


By investigating communication designers’ lived experiences of design practice, we can develop an empirically informed understanding of the approaches and behaviours that have underpinned the development of their design expertise. Such insights can help to inform design pedagogy as we seek ways to close the gaps between education and professional practice. However, how designers and in particular communication designers, adapt and further develop their expertise during professional practice is still poorly understood and at best anecdotal. A case study research approach was employed using semi-structured interview methods. Five communication designers from Australia all with more than 10 years professional practice, took part in this study. Participants were asked to narrate their lived experiences while reflecting on their practice. Analysis of the interviews suggests that designers demonstrate socially dynamic behaviours that consist of a complex range of differing levels of expertise often involving critical reflective practice. This is a significant insight as it suggests that reflective practice plays a crucial role supporting expertise development. As such, an improved model of reflective practice applied in a structured manner and embodying critical thinking, may be key to bridging the gaps between education and professional practice, and support designers transition beyond beliefs they are passive recipients of expert routines. This has the potential to not only better prepare graduate students for professional practice, but also provide the necessary framework for continuous professional development of expertise throughout their careers in dynamic and transformative ways, positioning them for a world of change and diversity.


Grant Ellmers
Senior Lecturer in Design and Photography, School of The Arts, English, and Media , University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia

Stella Tan
Independent Researcher, NSW, Australia

Marius Foley
RMIT, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Professional practice; Expertise development; Reflective practice; Communication design practice