Developing a Realistic Estimating Model for Georgia Highway Projects: Cost Estimating


Bridges and roadways are highly capital-intensive infrastructure elements and are critical components of the nation’s transportation network. The transportation network is receiving closer attention by government agencies due to its vulnerability as the nation’s infrastructure ages. In addition to the increasing demand for construction and maintenance expenditures, budget constraints still exist, inflation is a factor, and these types of issues may affect a government’s ability to address their infrastructure needs in a timely manner. The costs of relocation, land acquisition, utility issues, and winter construction are additional constraints [4-7]. As such, quick and reliable conceptual cost and schedule-estimations are critical to ensure the most efficient utilization of available funds [1, 7]. In general, unreliable estimates cause significant problems for programming and budgeting for DOTs as well as for local and regional planning [8, 9].


Seonghoon Kim
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Georgia Southern University, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Design Management and Professional Practice


Cost Estimating, Highway Construction