Illustration Research: Exploring the Role of Non-traditional Research Outcomes and Exhibition


Illustration is a robust and established academic discipline globally. It engages a multiplicity of disciplinary subject matter and is investigated in-depth by practice-based research, design studies, and cultural production. Illustration operates across a diverse range of our engagement with everyday life and experience. This focused discussion seeks to investigate the burgeoning role of Illustration outcomes, drawing and documentation as NTRO’s (Non-Traditional Research Outcomes) within the Academy. With NTRO’s now recognised within universities, clarity around how illustration as a field of research meets requirements and institutes the academic rigour of non-traditional approaches. This discussion seeks to outline and highlight the important role of exhibition in establishing peer-review and activation of non-traditional research language, research statements and approaches. A growing international community seeks to solidify these diverse approaches to research and the employment of Illustration as both input and output to diverse and interdisciplinary projects.


Ari Chand
Lecturer in Illustration/Animation, UniSA Creative, University of South Australia, Australia

Chloe Killen
Senior Research Officer and Sessional Academic, School of Creative Industries, University of Newcastle, Australia, Australia

Alan Male
Falmouth University

Mario Minichiello
Professor, Visual Communication Design, The University of Newcastle, Australia

Andrew Howells
Senior Lecturer, Visual Communication Design / Natural History Illustration, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Visual Design


Illustration, Non-traditional Research, Practice-based research, Exhibition