The Social is the Thing: Taking a Designerly Approach to Local Government Strategic Planning


Empowering local communities in the creation of strategic planning can play a significant role in solving community-based problems. This paper discusses how our research team implemented a range of design methods to elevate the lived experiences, goals, and aspirations of local community stakeholders in the creation of a local government cultural plan. Combining elements of Harvard’s Public Policy Design Arc, Co-Design and Design Thinking, we have been developing a framework for community-driven strategic planning, and testing and iterating it alongside community. This paper explains the different elements of the framework and offer suggestions for further development.


Willhemina Wahlin
Acting Associate Head of School | Lecturer in Design, School of Information and Communication Studies, Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Co-Design, Design and Public Policy, Design Thinking