Pandemic Design, Aesthetics, and Safety : Lebanon - a Case Study


Our research revolves around the topic of design by non designers during the Covid-19 Pandemic, where the people-place relationship has dramatically changed and shifted its role. Lockdowns were enforced worldwide and as the same was applied in Lebanon, some shops were allowed to open specifically for pickup and delivery in order to reduce human interaction while maintaining social distancing. Shop owners had no time to rely on professional designers due to urgency of the matter and lack of budget. Therefore, the non-designers (shop owners) took over the task of redesigning their interior space to build shelter and shield the potential virus carriers to insure personal security. Most of the designs created in these shops were built using found items, recycled objects, and pieces of furniture repurposed to block entry ways. This behavior leads us to question the basic role of design and its relationship with the human prediction system, which instinctively builds prevention in order to secure shelter and safety. How efficient was the model used and was the aesthetic element still of value in times of danger? “The most fundamental issue for any design is to pursue a strategy which guarantees that the final design product matches user expectations in terms of the product’s usability, functionality, safety…” Did the spaces created by the non-designers achieve these goals? Did design re-establish its role again as a means of protection rather than a form of art? How will those spaces evolve in this unpredicted future? Will they remain, evolve, or disappear?


Noel Nasr
Associate Professor, Design Department, Notre Dame University-Louaize, Lebanon

Jacqueline Soghman
Notre Dame University-Louaize


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Back to Life: Seeking Vision and Purpose in Principles and Practice