Thinking Fashion Design Methods: Developing a Sensorial Toolkit for Visually Impaired Consumers


The purpose of this study is to propose a specific methodology for the creation of a sensorial toolkit adjusted to visually impaired consumers (VIC). Few researchers have studied the VI individual regarding clothing and shopping experiences in the last decade. However, the development of a sensorial toolkit to be applied as a tool in empirical studies directed to VI (Visually Impaired), could provide a more realistic, inclusive, accessible, and empathic experience to these individuals during data collection processes. By studying and analysing project development methodologies and ways of design thinking disseminated by the scientific community, the current paper offers an original contribution by merging design project methodologies, clothing, and fashion brands. In addition, this study will add value for future academic investigations but also foster the success of fashion brands and designers devoted to Inclusive Design.


Liliana Pina
Student, Doctoral, University of Beira Interior, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design in Society


Fashion, Inclusive, Design, Visually Impaired, Sensorial Toolkit