Posthuman Design and Creativity


This paper explores the emergent field of posthuman design and how that both challenges and fuels human creativity. Posthuman design investigates the aesthetics and materiality of new human-computer design assemblages. In this convergent techno-cultural landscape, new confluences of technology and human creativity are arising at increasing pace, incorporating a complex network of elements. There is not scope to cover everything within this study, however I will sketch an overview of the concept, delve into posthumanism as a philosophy and look at some essential techno-social forces of interest to current design culture.


Rewa Wright
Lecturer in Creative Technology, School of Creative Industries, the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Back to Life: Seeking Vision and Purpose in Principles and Practice


Posthuman design, Software assemblage, Technology, Networks, Creativity